Woofology - Trainers Academy, LLC - Dog Training and DayCare



Frequently Asked Questions

Here you'll find the answers to some of the most commonly asked questions. If you still have questions, please feel free to email us at woofologist@yahoo.com or call us at 248.588.3222.

Puppy Class

Q: How old does my puppy have to be before he can start your puppy class?
Pups are ready as soon as they've had a minimum of 2 distemper series vaccines, bordatella, and a fecal check. This could be as early as 8 - 10 weeks!

Q: What vaccines does my puppy need for class?
See above or click here

Q: Is my puppy too old for puppy class?
Puppy class is open to dogs 5 1/2 months or younger, but some exceptions may apply. If you have questions as to whether puppy class is right for you and your pup, please call us at 248.244.1372

Q: Can my kids come to class?
Kids 8 years and older can accompany parent/s to observe puppy class
Kids 13 years and older can accompany parent/s and handle the puppy during class as long as our Handlers Waiver has been filled out and signed by parent/guardian

Q: Can more than one person come to class with the dog?
We encourage all who live with the dog and meet the age requirement, to attend class together.

Q: Can we all handle the puppy during class?
We require one person from the family to handle the puppy during class time, but encourage all family members (who meet age requirements) to attend/observe puppy class together.

Q: What does your puppy class cover/what will I learn?
Click here; Puppy Class

Q: How do I register for class?
Give us a call at 248.244.1372

Q: Your upcoming puppy classes are full, what can I do?
Our classes do fill quickly, and well in advance, so if you need help now, but find that the soonest-starting pup classes are already full, there are options! Consider our Puppy Primer Package, which will help you get started with clicker training, provide you one-on-one help with the behaviors you're struggling with, and includes 2 days of daycare for your puppy, for additional socialization opportunities. Click here for more info.
Q: I can't attend the class I've signed up for, can I get a refund?
A: While we are happy to offer transfer options (see below for details), we do not offer refunds.

Q: Ok, what are my options?
: There are several:

    1) Call to let us know 3 business days or more before the start date of your class, and we will transfer you      to a future class session, at no additional charge.
*Limit one transfer at no charge. If you need to transfer more than once, a 50.00 fee applies on each transfer*

    2) If your class has not yet begun, we'd be glad to transfer class funds to private in-home training instead -     a $50 transfer fee will apply.   
*This option does not apply to specialty classes*     

    3) If your class has already begun, but you have not attended any of your classes yet, we'd be glad to      transfer class funds to private in-home training instead - a $50 transfer fee will apply.

*This option does not apply to specialty classes*

**If you qualify for class fund transfer as outlined above please note- in-home training rates vary based upon the behaviors being worked with, so there may be additional charges above what you have already paid for class.

    4) You may transfer class funds to our daycare program at no additional charge.

Q: I'm currently attending class with my dog but have decided I'd like in-home help instead, what are my options?
Class funds are not pro-rated nor transferable to private in-home training (which is charged separately). Exceptions to this are indicated above. You may still transfer your remaining class funds to daycare if you so choose.

Q: I've already started attending my class, but I realize that I have to miss a session or more of it now, can I transfer to another class?
We do not offer transfers options for this scenario, but you will continue to receive your emailed training guides each week as usual, so you can stay current with the lessons.  Additionally, we suggest that you schedule and attend make up sessions for the week/s you've missed.
Click here 
http://woofology.com/missed%20class.htm for more information.